What is Annual Run Rate Revenue (ARRR)?

Unlike Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), which only considers recurring revenue, ARRR includes all revenue.

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Annual Revenue Run Rate (ARRR) is a financial metric used to forecast a company's annualized revenue based on current revenue performance. It extrapolates current revenue data to predict annual earnings. While commonly used among SaaS and other subscription-based businesses, ARRR can be applied across various industries to get a quick snapshot of yearly revenue, assuming no changes in the revenue streams.

How to Calculate Annual Revenue Run Rate

To calculate ARRR, you take a company's revenue for a specific period (typically a month or a quarter) and extrapolate it over the entire year. Here's the formula:

  • ARRR=(Revenue for a given period)×(Number of periods in a year)

For example:

  • If using monthly revenue: ARRR = Monthly Revenue x 12
  • If using quarterly revenue: ARRR = Quarterly Revenue x 4

Common Mistakes in ARRR Calculation

  • Over-reliance on Short-Term Data: If revenue for the chosen period isn't representative of the entire year (due to seasonal variations or anomalies), ARRR can give a skewed prediction.
  • Not Accounting for Churn or Growth: Simply annualizing current revenue doesn't consider customer churn or potential growth during the year.
  • Confusing ARRR with ARR: While they sound similar, Annual Revenue Run Rate (ARRR) and Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) are distinct. ARR focuses solely on recurring revenue, while ARRR extrapolates based on current total revenue.

Benefits and Limitations of ARRR


  • Quick Snapshot: Offers an immediate view of the company's financial trajectory.
  • Ease of Calculation: Simple to determine with existing revenue data.
  • Flexibility: Applicable across various business types and industries.


  • Over-simplification: Doesn't account for fluctuations or changes throughout the year.
  • Not Always Accurate: Particularly in businesses with significant seasonality or variable revenue streams.
  • Short-term Perspective: It assumes that current performance will remain consistent, which might not be the case in rapidly changing environments.

How to Use ARRR for Business Planning and Strategy

  1. Budgeting and Forecasting: Use ARRR as a starting point to project cash flow and set budgetary guidelines.
  2. Investor Relations: Showcase ARRR to potential investors as an indicator of the business's current trajectory.
  3. Resource Allocation: If ARRR predicts significant growth, consider investing in resources to support this growth.
  4. Strategic Decisions: Compare ARRR against business goals to see if you're on track and make adjustments as necessary.
  5. Trend Analysis: Monitor ARRR over time to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement.


While the Annual Revenue Run Rate is a valuable metric for businesses to get a quick glimpse of their annual revenue based on current performance, it should be used cautiously. Combining ARRR with other financial metrics and considering underlying factors affecting revenue can provide a more comprehensive view of a company's financial health.

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