What is Exit Rate?

The percentage of visitors who exit a site after viewing a single page.

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Exit rate refers to the percentage of all pageviews for a specific page that were the last in a session. In other words, it represents the frequency at which users leave a particular webpage after viewing it, regardless of whether it was their first page on the site or a subsequent one. The exit rate gives insights into how often users end their sessions on a particular page.

The Difference Between Exit Rate and Bounce Rate

It's common to confuse exit rate with bounce rate, but they measure different aspects of user behavior:

  • Exit Rate: This metric pertains to the percentage of visitors who leave your site from a specific page, after possibly browsing through other pages on your site.
  • Bounce Rate: This represents the percentage of visitors who leave your site from the entry page without interacting further or viewing other pages. It indicates the first and only page they visit.

In simpler terms, all bounces (bounce rate) are exits, but not all exits (exit rate) are bounces.

The Importance of Exit Rate

Understanding the exit rate can help website owners and content creators identify potential problem areas within a site. If a page has a high exit rate, it may indicate that:

  1. The content didn’t meet the user's expectations or needs.
  2. There might be technical issues forcing users to leave.
  3. The page naturally concludes the user's journey, like a 'Thank You' page after a form submission.

For SaaS businesses, a high exit rate on a crucial page, like a product feature or pricing page, could indicate missed opportunities for conversions.

Calculating Exit Rate: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Collect Data: Use an analytics tool, like Google Analytics, to gather data on individual pageviews and exits.
  2. Identify the Page: Choose the specific page you want to calculate the exit rate for.
  3. Do the Math: Divide the number of exits from the page by the total pageviews for that page.
  4. Convert to Percentage: Multiply the result by 100 to get the exit rate percentage.

Formula: Exit Rate (%) = (Number of Exits from a Page ÷ Total Pageviews of that Page) x 100

Strategies to Improve Exit Rate

  1. Enhance Content Quality: Ensure your content is relevant, engaging, and meets the user's needs.
  2. Optimize Call-to-Actions: Make sure CTAs are clear and compelling.
  3. Internal Linking: Encourage users to explore more of your site by offering relevant links to other content or pages.
  4. Page Load Speed: A faster loading page can decrease impatience-induced exits.
  5. User-Friendly Design: A clean, intuitive layout can keep users engaged longer.
  6. Feedback Mechanism: Allow users to provide feedback, which can offer insights into why they might be leaving a particular page.


Exit rate is a crucial metric that offers insights into user behavior on specific web pages. By understanding the difference between exit and bounce rates, SaaS businesses, and other entities can better gauge the effectiveness of their web pages and implement strategies to retain visitors, enhancing the potential for conversions and customer engagement.

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