What is Phrase Match?

A keyword setting that allows you to display your ad only when someone searches for the exact keyword or close variants of the exact keyword.

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Phrase match is a keyword-matching option used in search engine advertising where an ad is shown when a user searches for a specific phrase or a close variation of that phrase, typically within a search engine platform like Google Ads. This allows advertisers to target more specific queries while still having some flexibility in matching relevant searches.

How Phrase Match Works

When advertisers set a keyword to phrase match, the ad will show up for searches that match the exact phrase or its close variations. For example, if the phrase match keyword is "blue shoes," the ad might show up for searches like:

  • "Buy blue shoes"
  • "Blue shoes for sale"
  • "Dark blue shoes"

However, it won't show for searches like:

  • "Shoes that are blue"
  • "Blue sandals"

The primary distinction here is the order of the words and the closeness of the phrase's variation.

Benefits of Using Phrase Match

  • Increased Relevance: Phrase match offers a balance between reach and relevance. Ads are more targeted than broad match keywords, reducing the chance of irrelevant clicks.
  • Controlled Budget: By ensuring that ads only appear for more relevant searches, advertisers can get a better return on their investment and manage their budget more efficiently.
  • Flexible Yet Specific: Phrase match is less restrictive than exact match, allowing advertisers to reach a broader audience while still maintaining specificity.
  • Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR): Since the ads are more targeted, they're more likely to resonate with searchers, potentially leading to higher CTRs.

Implementing Phrase Match in Your SEO Strategy

  1. Research Relevant Phrases: Use keyword research tools to identify common phrases that potential customers might use to find your product or service.
  2. Test and Refine: Start with a broader set of phrase match keywords and refine based on performance. Remove or adjust phrases that aren't performing well.
  3. Monitor Search Query Reports: Regularly review the actual search queries triggering your ads. This will give insights into user intent and can help in refining keyword lists.
  4. Optimize Ad Copy: Ensure that the ad copy aligns with the targeted phrase match keywords for higher relevance and better performance.
  5. Combine with Other Match Types: For a holistic approach, use phrase match in conjunction with broad, modified broad, and exact match types to maximize reach and relevance.


Phrase match is a valuable tool in the arsenal of search engine advertisers, offering a blend of specificity and flexibility. For SaaS businesses, leveraging phrase match can ensure that their solutions are displayed for highly relevant searches, making it easier to connect with potential customers actively seeking their offerings. With continuous optimization and monitoring, phrase match can be a cornerstone of an effective PPC strategy.

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