What is Retargeting/Remarketing?

A form of online advertising that involves targeting users who have previously visited your website.

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Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a form of online advertising that focuses on reaching users who have previously interacted with a brand's website, app, or digital platforms but did not make a desired action, such as a purchase, signup, or download. By using various tools and platforms, businesses can display targeted ads to these users as they browse other websites, encouraging them to return and complete the action.

The Importance of Retargeting in Digital Marketing

  • Increased Conversion Rates: Since retargeting focuses on users who have already shown an interest in a product or service, they are often more likely to convert when they see the ad again.
  • Brand Awareness: Continually displaying the brand to potential customers helps solidify the brand's presence in their minds.
  • Cost-Effective: By focusing on users who are more likely to convert, businesses can achieve a higher ROI than traditional advertising methods.
  • Personalization: Retargeting can be tailored based on specific actions users took, allowing for more personalized and relevant ad experiences.

How Retargeting Works

  1. Pixel Placement: A small piece of code, or pixel, is placed on a website or within an app.
  2. User Visit: When a user visits the website or interacts with the app, the pixel drops a cookie on their browser.
  3. Ad Display: As the user continues to surf the web, the cookie informs retargeting platforms to show specific ads based on their previous interactions.
  4. Conversion: The goal is to encourage the user to return to the initial site and complete a desired action.

Different Types of Retargeting Strategies

  1. Pixel-Based Retargeting: Uses cookies and pixels to retarget users after they leave a website. It is real-time and can be more specific about the user's actions on the site.
  2. List-Based Retargeting: Targets users from a provided email list. It's beneficial for segmented email lists where businesses want to convey different messages to different audience segments.
  3. Search Retargeting: Targets users based on the search queries they've used in search engines, showing them relevant ads even if they haven't visited the specific site.
  4. Social Media Retargeting: Focuses on users who interact with brands on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Implementing a Successful Retargeting Campaign

  1. Segmentation: Group your audience based on the actions they took, like visiting a specific page or adding items to a cart but not purchasing.
  2. Personalized Content: Tailor the retargeting ads to the actions of the segmented groups for more relevance.
  3. Frequency Caps: Limit the number of times an individual sees your ad to prevent overexposure and annoyance.
  4. A/B Testing: Regularly test different ad designs and messages to determine what resonates most with your audience.
  5. Clear Call-to-Action: Ensure your retargeted ads have a clear and compelling CTA to drive users back to your site.


Retargeting is a powerful tool in the digital marketer's arsenal, particularly for SaaS businesses looking to re-engage potential customers who might have slipped through the cracks. By understanding and effectively leveraging retargeting strategies, businesses can significantly enhance their chances of converting interested users into loyal customers.

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