What are Customer Cohorts?

Grouping users based on shared characteristics, like sign-up date or behavior, to analyze their actions over time.

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A customer cohort is a group of customers who share a particular characteristic or set of characteristics. These characteristics can range from the time they started using a product or service, demographics, purchasing behavior, or any other defining trait. Instead of viewing customers as one large group, cohort analysis breaks them down into these related groups for deeper analysis.

Importance of Customer Cohorts in Business Analysis

  • Tailored Analysis: By analyzing specific cohorts, businesses can gain nuanced insights into how different groups of customers behave. This can provide more actionable insights compared to broad metrics.
  • Spot Trends: It helps in recognizing patterns over time, especially when comparing how different cohorts behave or perform. For instance, a SaaS business can determine if newer users adopt features faster than older cohorts.
  • Improved Retention Strategies: Understanding the behavior of cohorts can help businesses target specific groups with retention or upsell strategies that resonate with their unique behaviors or needs.
  • Optimize Marketing Efforts: By understanding which cohorts are the most valuable or have the highest churn rate, companies can refine their marketing strategies and ad spend to target or support specific groups effectively.

Steps to Create a Customer Cohort

  1. Define the Cohort Basis: Decide on what basis you want to group your customers. Commonly used bases in SaaS include sign-up date, feature adoption, or subscription type.
  2. Collect Data: Gather all relevant customer data. Ensure that this data is clean and categorized appropriately to create meaningful cohorts.
  3. Segment Customers: Using your chosen basis, divide your customer base into distinct groups. For example, if using sign-up date, you might have monthly or quarterly cohorts.
  4. Analyze the Cohorts: Delve into each cohort's behavior. Track metrics like churn rate, average revenue, feature adoption rate, or any other relevant KPIs for your business.
  5. Compare and Contrast: Look at how different cohorts behave over the same periods in their customer lifecycle. This can provide insights into how changes in your product or market strategy impact different user groups.


Customer cohort analysis is a powerful tool, especially for businesses with diverse user bases or those that have evolved over time. By breaking down the customer base into specific groups, businesses can derive more granular and actionable insights. Whether fine-tuning a marketing campaign or trying to understand how product changes have affected user behavior, cohorts provide a clearer, segmented view of your customers.

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