What are Negative Keywords?

Keywords that prevent your ad from displaying when a certain word or phrase is searched.

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Negative keywords are specific words or phrases that prevent ads from being displayed when they're part of a user's search query. They are used primarily in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns to help ensure that an ad is only shown to users who are most likely to find it relevant. By filtering out irrelevant clicks, advertisers can reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of their campaigns.

How Negative Keywords Work in Search Engine Optimization

While the primary application of negative keywords is within PPC campaigns, they indirectly play a role in search engine optimization (SEO) as well. In SEO, understanding the terms that might lead to irrelevant traffic can help content creators refine their content strategy. For example, a SaaS business offering email marketing software might want to rank for "email marketing" but would find "email marketing jobs" irrelevant. By identifying these discrepancies, brands can better tailor content to attract the right visitors.

Enhancing Marketing Strategies with Negative Keywords

  • Cost Efficiency: By excluding irrelevant search terms, advertisers can save money on wasted clicks.
  • Improved Click-Through Rates (CTR): Displaying ads to a more targeted audience generally leads to higher CTRs.
  • Better Conversion Rates: Ensuring ads are only seen by interested users increases the likelihood of conversions.
  • Refined Targeting: Negative keywords help brands get a clearer understanding of their audience's needs and search patterns.

Identifying Potential Negative Keywords

  1. Search Query Reports: Analyze these reports to see which irrelevant terms are triggering your ads.
  2. Keyword Research Tools: Use these tools to spot potential negative keywords based on your main keywords.
  3. Feedback from Sales and Customer Service: They often have insights into which terms lead to confusion or irrelevant inquiries.
  4. Industry Jargon: Be cautious of terms that might be interpreted differently outside of your industry.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Overuse: Excessive use of negative keywords can limit ad visibility. It's essential to strike a balance.
  2. Broad Negatives: Using very broad negative keywords can unintentionally filter out relevant queries.
  3. Not Reviewing Regularly: Search trends change and new irrelevant terms can emerge. Regularly review and update your negative keyword list.
  4. Ignoring Match Types: Remember that negative keywords also have match types (broad, phrase, exact). Misusing these can lead to undesired results.


Negative keywords are an essential tool for advertisers aiming to refine their audience targeting and improve campaign effectiveness. While primarily associated with PPC, understanding the concept can also benefit SEO efforts. By diligently researching, implementing, and reviewing negative keywords, SaaS businesses can ensure their advertising spend is optimized and they're reaching the most relevant audiences.

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